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Hive Active Heating -Phone & Internet Controlled Thermostat & Timer

Installation normally takes less than an hour
Available for Combi boilers or Regular boilers with Heating and Hot Water control
Can be fitted to almost any system- even Back Boiler systems or systems without an existing Thermostat
Never come home to a cold house- Boost your heating from your phone before you arrive home for anything from 30 mins to 6 hours.
Thermostat can be wall mounted or a stand can be purchased for an additional £30

Hive Mini
Supplied & Installed for £230

Stand an additional £30

Bulbs, Plug Timer Switches, Camera, door and Motion sensors available to be added at a later date (can easily be self installed)

Set and control your heating from your phone or computer from anywhere in the world - ideal if you wish to boost your heating before you get in to the house or for people out of the country that wish to check or adjust the temperature of their home remotely.

Hive V4 Supplied & Installed for £270
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